Yokoyama Laboratory for Molecular Biology of Stem Cell


Cooperate with '' Tsukuba University , Japan ''



















Publication in 2011-2014

1 Huang Y-C., Hasegawa, H., Wang, S-W., Lin, Y-C., Chiou, S-S., Wu D-C., Tsai, E-M., Saito S., Yamaguchi N., and Yokoyama, K.: JDP2 controls differentiation and cellular senescence via inhibition of histone modification. J. of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2011:569034 (2011).
2 Kawashima, R., Abei, M., Fukuda, K., Nakamura, K., Murata, T., Wakayama, M., Seo E., Hasegawa, N., Mizuguchi H., Obata, Y., Hyodo, I., Hamada, H. and Yokoyama, K.: EpCAM- and EGFR-targeted selective gene therapy for billary cancers using Z233-fiber modified adenovirus.  Inter. J. Cancer 129, 1244-1253 (2011).
3 Murata, T., Noda, C., Saito, S., Kawashima, D., Sugimoto, D., Isomura, H., Kanda, T., Yokoyama, K. and Tsurumi, T.: Jun dimerization protein 2(JDP2) suppresses Epstein-Bar Virus reactivation from latency. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 22007-22016 (2011).
4 Tang, X., O’Reilly, A., Asano, M., Merrill, J. C., Yokoyama, K. and Amar S.:  p53 peptide prevents LITAF-induced TNF-alpha-mediated mouse lung lesions and endotoxic shock. Curr. Mol. Med. 11, 439-452 (2011).
5 Wang, S-W., Lee. J-K., Ku C-C., Chiou S-S., Lin S. C-L., Ho M-F., Wu D-C., and Yokoyama, K.: Jun dimerization 2 in oxygen restriction; control of senescence. Curr. Pharmaceutical Design 17, 2278-2289 (2011) [Selected as a Cover of the Journal]
6 Saito, S.,Wang, S-W., Ku C-C., Lin S. C-H., Wu D-C., Maruyama. Y and Yokoyama, K.: Human aminion-derived pluripotent stem cells as promising source for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. J.  Bioengineering & Biomedical Sciences S2-005.  doi: 10.4172/2155-9538. S2-005 (2011).
7 Hsiao, H., Huang, S-E., Ku, C-C, and Yokoyama, K.: International Society for Stem Cell Research 2011, ninth annual meeting in Toronto (June 15-June 18, 2011). Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 28, 296-298 (2012).
8 Huang, S-E., Hsiao, H., Ku, C-C, and Yokoyama, K.: Cold Spring Harbor Asia/International Society for Stem Cell Research 2011 meeting; Cellular programs and reprogramming (October 24-28, 2011). Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 28, 352-354 (2012).  
9 Chen, C-W., Chen, T-Y., Tsai L-L., Lin C-L., Yokoyama, K., Lee, W-S., Chiueh. C. C., and Hsu, C.: Inhibition of autophagy as a therapeutic strategy of iron-induced brain injury after hemorrhage. Autophagy, 8, 1510-120 (2012) 
10 Darlyuk-Saadon, I., Weidenfeld-Baranboim, K., Yokoyama, K., Hai T., and Aronheim, A.; The bZIP repressor proteins, the c-Jun dimerization protein 2, and the Activating Transcription factor 3, recruit multiple members of HDAC to the ATF3 promoter. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1819, 1142-1153 (2012).

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Kaohsiung Medical University

Center of Excellence for Environmental Medicine Graduate Institute of Medicine100 shih-Chuan 1st Road, San Ming District, Kaohsiung, 80708, Taiwan