Yokoyama Laboratory for Molecular Biology of Stem Cell

Cooperate with '' Tsukuba University , Japan ''


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     2012年 10月13-14日   欣薇、湘蓉、建毅、家禎、雅涵、橫山教授於2012國際幹細胞與癌症新知研討會暨第八屆台灣肝細胞學會年會(本屆在台灣高雄)共張貼六篇海報


      2012年 10月5日       藤 成夫教授(Laboratory of Saito Cell Technology)論文Human amnion-derived cells as a reliable source of stem cells” 被推薦至期刊“Current Molecular Medicine''之“Highlighted article”,此論文為我們實驗室在高雄醫學大學之第一篇幹細胞研究論文

      2012年 6月13-16日    邱世欣醫生與助理欣薇、湘蓉於第十屆國際幹細胞學會(本屆在日本橫濱)共張貼三篇海報

     2012年 2月24日         筑波大學 安部井誠人教授 於高醫訪問教學


     2012年 1月 7日          助理黃上恩先生新婚

     2011年10月 1日         賀 於癌聯研討會 榮獲海報組第一名

     2011年 9月30日         高醫大建立 誘導式幹細胞銀行

     2011年 7月 1日          研究助理 王欣薇小姐所發表的論文Jun dimerization protein 2 in oxygen restriction; control of senescence

                                          成為期刊"Current Pharmaceutical Design"封面

     2010年 8月30日         在台灣發表的第一篇論文 於期刊Oncogene接受

     2009年 4月 5日          橫山一成教授從日本理化學研究所邀請至高雄醫學大學


     October 13-14,2012    Shin-Wei, Izzy , Danniel ,Laura, Ya-han, and Kaz presented six posters in 2012 International Symposium on Recent Advances in Stem Cell and Cancer & 8th Annual meeting of Taiwan Society for Stem cell Research, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

     October 05, 2012         Dr. Saito’s article entitled “Human amnion-derived cells as a reliable source of stem cells” was nominated as “Highlighted article” in “Current Molecular Medicine”.

                                         This is our first paper which we started in the stem cell research in KMU.

    June 13-16, 2012         Shin-Wei, Izzy and Dr. Chiou presented three posters in International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 10th annual meeting, Yokohama, Japan.

     February 24, 2012        Professor Masato Abei, Tsukuba University, visited KMU to give a lecture. 

     January 07, 2012          Mr. Shang-En Huang’s marriage was celebrated.   

     October 01, 2011         First Place of ‘Poster Award’ in 2011 Kaohsiung International Cancer Symposium was obtained.     

     September 30, 2011      The KMU-iPS Bank was set up in KMU.

     July 01, 2011                 Ms. Shin-Wei Wang’s review was taken as the cover of “Current Pharmaceutical Design” (17) 2011, 2278-89[Title; Jun dimerization protein 2 in oxygen restriction; control of senescence].

     August 30, 2010            First paper in Taiwan was accepted by “Oncogene”.

     April 05, 2009               Kazu Yokoyama transferred from RIKEN in Japan to KMU.  


Kaohsiung Medical University

Center of Excellence for Environmental Medicine Graduate Institute of Medicine

100 shih-Chuan 1 st Road, San Ming District, Kaohsiung, 80708, Taiwan