
Yokoyama, K.:
"Antisense RNA induces a nuclear transcription
factor to repress the
endogenous expression of c-myc gene." 2nd Annual
oligonucleotide-based therapeutics, San Diego,
pp.366-367, Feb. (1995). |
Yokoyama, K.:"Antisense
RNA induces a transcription factor in HL60 cells
which commits toward monocyte differentiation."
International symposium of Molecular Cell Biology of
Macrophages '95. Inuyama Aichi, pp.29, May (1995). |
Li, H-O. and Yokoyama, K.:"Adenovirus 5 E1A
induced differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma cells
with a conserved region (CR1)-dependent mechanism."
Molecular Biology of paporaviruses and Adenoviruses,
ICRF, Cambridge, pp.93, July (1995). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"A medical application of antisense oligomers
against cancers, genetic diseases and viral
infections." INFA and WAITS 1995 in Sapporo,
Sapporo, pp.39, July (1995). |
Yokoyama, K.,
Gao, H., Fujita, A., Tsutsui, H. and Israël, A.:
"Modulation of MHC class I gene expression by
oncogene and anti-oncogene" 9th International
Congress of Immunology, San Francisco, pp.694, July
(1995). |
Katagiri, T., Yokoyama, K., Yamamoto, T.,
Irie, S., and Katagiri, K.: Anti-apoptic role of
protein tyrosine kinases during granulocytic
differentiation of HL-60 cells. 9th International
Congress of Immunology, San Francisco, pp.40, July
(1995). |
Yokoyama, K.,
Kitabayashi, I., Kawasaki, H., Tsutsui, H., Arany,
Z., Livingstone, D. M., and Eckner,
R.:"Phosphorylation of the E1A-associated 300-kD
protein during the differentiation of F9 cells."
Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcription. Cold Spring
Harbor, pp.256, Aug. (1995). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"Antisense RNA induces a transcription repressor
THZif-1 to inhibit the endogenous expression of the
c-myc protooncogene." Oligonucleotide & Gene
Therapy-based Antisense therapeutics. San Diego,
pp.519-520, Feb. (1996). |
Murata, T., Okano, H., and Yokoyama, K.: "The
hiiragi gene functions with Serrate in development
of the wing margin." 37th Annual Drosophila
Research Conference, San Diego, pp.353, April
(1996). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"A zinc finger protein THZif-1 involves in the
commitment at differentiation of HL60 cells to
normal macrophages." The 5th International
Symposium of Molecular Cell Biology of Macrophages,
Tokushima, pp.5, May (1996). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"A zinc finger protein THZif-1 involves in the
negative regulation of c-myc gene and the commitment
of cell differentiation." Cancer genetics & Tumor
suppressor genes, Cold Spring Harbor Meeting, Cold
Spring Harbor, pp.325, Aug. (1996). |
Yokoyama, K.: "THZif-1, a zinc-finger
protein controls the negative expression of c-myc
gene and the differentiation of HL60 cells to the
normal Macrophage." International symposium for
stem cell regulation, Tokyo, pp.72, Sept. (1996). |
Koga, C., Yokoyama, K and Shiokawa, K.:
"Expression of Chimeric genes composed of
5'-upstream region of follistatin gene and lac Z in
embryogenesis of Xenopus Laevis" 5th Annual
University of Minnesota Developmental Symposium,
Minneapolis, USA, pp.182, Oct. (1996). |
Koga, C., Yokoyama, K., and Shiokawa, K.:
"Expression of chimeric genes composed of
5'-upstream region of xenopus follistatin gene and
lac Z in early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis."
International Conference on Inhibin, Activin,
Follistatin...Recent advances and future views,
Serono Symposia, S. A., Tokushima, pp.92, Nov.
(1996). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"THZif-1: a zinc finger protein controls the
negative expression of c-myc gene and the
differentiation of HL60 cells to the normal
macrophage." 6th International Workshop and
Conference on Human Leukocyte Differentiation
Antigenes, Kobe, Tissue Antigenes 48, pp.431, Nov.
(1996). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"Binding of THZif-1, a MAZ-like zinc finger protein
to the (CGC)triple helical structure in the promoter
region of the c-myc gene.", Oligonucleotide-& Gene
Therapy-based Antisense Therapeutics, San Diego, CA,
pp.812-813, Feb. (1997). |
Yokoyama, K.:
"Binding of THZif-1 protein to the (CGC)triple
helical structure in the promoter region of the
c-myc gene.", Application of genomics in the
Development of Antisense Therapeutics, San Diego,
CA. pp.42-43, Feb. (1997). |
Yokayama, K.:
"Interaction of DCC, The product of a tumor
suppressor gene, with a zinc finger protein
(THZif-1/MAZ) during macrophage and neural
differentiation.", IVth International Symposium on
the Molecular Cell Biology of Macrophage '97.
Tokyo, pp.52, May (1997). |
Kawasaki, H., Murata, T., Tsutsui, H., Ugai, H.,
Taira, K., Chiu, R. & Yokoyama, K.: "A
separate function of coactivators p300 and CBP
during the RA-induced differentiation and
apoptosis." Mechanisms of eukaryotic
transcription. Cold Spring Harbor, NY., pp.103,
Aug. (1997). |
Tsutsui, H. & Yokoyama, K.: "Phosphorylation
of MAZ/THZif-1 transcription factor regulates the
DNA-binding activity to the GA/CT elements of the c-myc
promoter." Mechanisms of eukaryotic transcription,
Cold Spring Harbor, NY., pp.254, Aug. (1997). |
Murata, T., Ogura, K., Okano, H., and Yokoyama,
K.: "Hiiragi Possibly Induces Wing Margin
Organizer.", Mechanisms of eukaryotic
transcription, Cold Spring Hasrbor, NY., pp.134,
Aug. (1997). |
Koga, C., Adachi, N., Furuhata, Y., Tei, H., Sakaki,
Y., Yokoyama, K., Shiokawa, K.: "cDNA
cloning of a new member of FGF9 from embryos of
Xenopus laevis.", Gene Functions to Cell
Differentiation, Mishima, pp.72, Sept. (1997). |
Tsustui, H., and Yokoyama, K.: "Phospholylation
of MAZ transcription factor regulates the
DNA-binding activity to the CT elements of the c-myc
promoter", Gene Functions to Cell Differentiation,
Mishima, pp.71, Sept. (1997). |
Murata, T., Ogura, K., Okano, H., and Yokoyama, K.:
"Hiiragi contributes for the induction of the wing
margin organizer", Gene Functions to Cell
Differentiation, Mishima, pp.74, Sept. (1997). |
Kawasaki, H., Ohkawa, K., Taira, K., Yokoyama, K.:
"Function study of the adenovirus E1A-associated
300-kD protein (p300) using hammerhead ribozyme",
Gene Functions to Cell Differentiation, Mishima,
pp.69, Sept. (1997). |
Zhao, X. X., Isoda, H., Murata, T., Yokoyama, K.,
and Nakahara, T.: Mannosylerythritol lipid induces
anti-proliferation and differentiation of mouse mela
noma B16 cells. Proceeding of Japanese Association
of Animal Cell Technology, Nagoya, pp.335-339, Nov.
(1997) |
Sudo, T., Isoda, H., Kobori, M., Murata, T.,
Yokoyama, K.: Structure and function of
succinoyl Trehalose lipid on
differentiation-induction of human promyelocytic
leukemia cell line HL-60. Proceeding of Japanese
Association of Animal cell Technology, Nagoya,
pp.357-361, Nov. (1997) |
Shibahara, H., Isoda, H., Murata, T., Yokoyama,
K., and Nakahara, T.: Analysis of
glycoshingolipids on differentiation-induction of
PC12 pheochromacytoma cells by mannosylerythitol
lipid. Proceeding of Japanese Association of
Animal cell Technology, Nagoya, pp.329-333, Nov.
(1997) |
Wakamatsu, Y., Isoda, H., Yokoyama, K.,
Nakahara, T.: " Differentiation-induction by
mannosylerythritol lipid on PC12 pheochromocytoma
cells", Proceeding of Japan Association Animal Cell
Technology, Nagoya, pp.341-345, Nov. (1997). |
>>top |
Kaohsiung Medical University
Center of Excellence for Environmental Medicine
Graduate Institute of Medicine
100 shih-Chuan 1 st
Road, San Ming District,
Kaohsiung, 800708, Taiwan |